To the awakening heartist, determined to live her CORE truth and show up as her greatest expression…

Welcome to

THe heartist collective

The 12-month mentorship program for your heart + soul.

Welcome sister-heart, we all need a spiritual haven, a sacred space to come and bare our WHOLE, raw, wild, and unfiltered selves. A temple where you bring your soul to the altar of your heart. A safe container founded on unconditional love devoted to liberating the full-spectrum embodiment of all that you are!

The Heartist Collective is this place, designed for us to RISE TOGETHER, to share, laugh, cry, and pray together. To activate our voices, practice our spells, open our hearts, and ignite the full light of our souls. To ask questions, to be held, to release, and to cleanse it all — together.

After eight years of working with women in my private practice and in a clinical environment, holding many online containers, workshops, seminars, and retreats, the time is now for us to band together through these intense and fast-evolving times, with so many different timelines unfolding, and stand strong in our light, while working continuously on empowering the most intelligent and powerful part of us - our hearts!

On an unconscious level, we separated from one another because we felt it would be safer. Because LIGHT UNITED is powerful and bright, and in the past, we would have been burned for standing in our light, so we separated to protect ourselves. But it’s time now, sister, to work our hearts out together again, to ignite our light, and to initiate our souls’ calling!

beginning May 2024


There are moments you feel expanded, on-purpose, clear, and whole. Moments of bliss and mind-blowing realizations completely consume you. Whether you’re at a transformational workshop, retreat, or while reading a self-development book. You’ll carry the euphoric feeling with you until the container comes to an end and you’re back home and alone again, with no one in your environment to continue sharing the lessons and blessings with. The life-changing revelations you gained float away into the hustle and bustle of the everyday grind.

Thoughts begin to creep in like:

Will I fall back into those limiting beliefs and paradigms?
Will I stick to my boundaries this time?
Am I really worthy, strong, and smart enough to achieve my goals?
Will my friends accept this new me if I share it with them?
Should I ignore this feeling that I deserve, and can have… more?

You know, the kinds of thoughts that hold all of us heartists back from becoming the greatest versions of ourselves.

Rising together…

I feel your struggle. And I share your unwavering desire for more.

We need pure-hearted community to move through these intense ebbs and flows. We’re not supposed to do this thing called life alone, let alone the path of the heart! It takes a frickin’ village not to stay stuck in contraction and old paradigms of fear.

After 8 years of helping women heal their relationships with themselves, their hearts and their souls, here’s what I’ve learned on my journey:

Spiritual awakening, healing, and integration doesn’t happen overnight, it comes in waves, and it takes more than desire to avoid falling back into old habits. We need dependable tools and community so that we can elevate and sustain our spiritual well-being. And above all, it takes practice with community.

Let’s work our hearts out together!

You go to the gym to work your body out,
and you meditate to train your mind,
but what do you do to practice heartfulness?
Heartist Collective is your year-long heart boot camp to…

Bring your soul to the altar of your heart.

Working out once a year won’t make you strong. Meditating once a month won’t make you mindful. And consciously connecting with your heart every now and then won’t make you resilient, intuitive, and self-empowered, so…..

What’s Included


A global community of heart-based sisters who you will grow together with, and will most likely become some of your closest soul-sisters for life! We will also have an active community WhatsApp group.

monthly live calls

There will be monthly live calls where we will connect, share, and create in together. Everything from Q&A’s, sharing circles, meditations, and live workshops.

book club

There will be a quarterly book-club in which we will actively share and use the lessons and content in our calls, workshops, and community WhatsApp group.

Wokrshops + courses

Grow and learn! I will be sharing my signature workshops and courses on a monthly basis, both live and pre-recorded.

the Standing light method

We will work our hearts out together! Every month we will gather for a Standing Light Method class to use the collective energy to re-center and activate our hearts.

local meet-ups

With an ever-growing global community, I will help you forge local group meet-ups and build a community in your area, even becoming a Standing Light Ambassador. There will also be retreats where you will have instant access to join, without an application process.

  • Heartset + Mindset

  • Scientifically proven coherence + resilience techniques

  • heart tuning - learning how to hear what your heart is saying

  • Medicine song singing circles

  • Divine feminine + masculine

  • Sacred union within

  • Unconditional vs conditional love

  • cellular Reprogramming

  • voice activation

  • chakra clearing

  • how to energetically grid a room

  • Connecting with your guardian angel and/or starseed

  • purifying the power of your orgasmic bliss

  • orgasmic manifestation

  • Reclaiming your soul + your hearts’ truest desires

  • How to clear your own energy field

  • How to design your own sacred altar

Workshop topics

we will gather twice each month for a live call

One call will be a transformational somatic experience — The Standing Light Method, manifestation and prayer activations, with a focus on moving through the energies of the month energetically, emotionally, and physically.

One call will be focused more on sharing, expressing, workshopping, book club discussions, and Q&A. Guest speakers or spotlights on gifts you would like to bring to the table.
There will also be space for spotlight coaching and mentorship.

Each call will be recorded if you can’t make the live.

Leyla, your go-to heart guide.

Leyla Salvadé is a leading heart intelligence expert and heartfulness therapist, and the founder and CEO of Standing Light, a coaching and educational platform transforming leaders from a mind-based mentality to a heart-empowered reality, through both online and live offerings.

Leyla is a certified holistic health coach; a certified coherence and resilience trainer; and has hundreds of hours of training in mindfulness, meditation, inner child healing, higher-self work, forgiveness work, and energy work. With an extensive track record at world-class organizations like Mindvalley, Six Senses Kaplankaya, Tesla, The Kusnacht Practice, Vifor, and more, Leyla holds qualifications from the Institute of HeartMath - the leading heart intelligence research center based in California, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC, and from Plum Village - the world-famous monastery led by Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh in France.

She is today one of the leading experts in how to access the intelligence and untapped power of the heart and through her company Standing Light, Leyla supports individuals, families, and organizations to recognize their potential, purpose, and direction; and to become mindful, coherent, compassionate, heart-smart and resilient through integrated coaching that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm.

Leyla's strong capabilities of intuition and adaptability were born through her multicultural and international upbringing with influences from the Middle East (through her maternal lineage), and Swiss/South American (through her paternal lineage). Leyla has traveled extensively and lived in Luzern, Phoenix, London, New York, Los Angeles, and now Zurich. She speaks both English, German, and Swiss German as a native.

Leyla’s diverse background allows her to understand and adapt to a wide variety of souls, providing them with tools for internal well-being, designed to manage and reverse the negative effects of stress, anxiety, and depression, while building resilience, inner ease, and self-empowerment.

WhAT YOU’re getting

  • 1 monthly live call on the 1st + 3rd Wednesday of the month (calls will be recorded and shared within 12hrs)

  • Leyla’s signature courses to do in your own time

  • Q&A time with Leyla where she will spotlight coach you

  • A toolbox of life-changing practices, mindsets, and heartsets

  • An entire year with soul-sisters who will become your new global network

  • Active Whatsapp group

  • Accountability partner for daily practices

  • VIP access to any Standing Light programs that launch in 2023





Pay in full now for the whole year and save a month


a Monthly payment plan to help a sister out