A Revelation of Light
I woke up with a broken heart today.
An eclipse of the heart,
aligned with the full moon lunar eclipse happening this Friday.
Laced with a potency that’s already felt within old souls, highly sensitive people, and intuitive beings.
I wonder sometimes if we’re the buffers for the younger souls?
The strong and wise protecting the young and the weak.
And yet for eons, this kind of sensitivity has been violently relinquished to anything but strong.
This year alone has caused a breakage in most humans like never before.…
But within the breakage, there’s that sacred zero point we’ve all arrived at, many times over.
Where willpower sweeps in and actives a directional decision.
Above, Spirits’ All Mighty Hand rests in unconditional love and asks,
‘Will you BREAK OPEN to let the light in?’
While below the dark void lingers, luring you even deeper into its heaviness.
‘Come, come BREAK DOWN and join us in this eternal void.’
The pain you’re already feeling wants to swallow you whole and desires nothing more than to submit forever into the void from sheer exhaustion of feeling so alone and the fatigue of fighting holding the light for lifetimes.
But there’s always that inkling of light your heart forever holds.
And albeit tiny, its sheer force once activated - is a supernova.
It’s within this sacred space within you where your souls' willpower has the potential to emit a force field of light that enlightens EVERYTHING.
Blasting you open into the light.
An ascension and breaking open vs a descent and a breaking down.
A centripetal force that spirals counterclockwise and UP vs clockwise and down.
In your darkest hour dear heart, what will you choose?
We’re in the times of Revelation.
For those who SEE with the eye of the heart,
we know the endgame is here.
To get to the open part,
to get to the lightness within - again,
the pain must purge,
the anger must burn down to the ground,
the rage must be channeled back into its sacred wild
and it hurts, like hell.
It makes the cascade of tears flow.
It makes the body want to curl up in contraction and rest in fetal position praying for an all mighty savior.
It makes the ego and soul want to give up all hope.
But down there, just before you submit into the eternal void,
you suddenly re-member the hero within.
You awaken from the illusion,
the Maya that’s been cast upon this earth.
You expand beyond the matrix and realize that for a second you gave in, yet again.
And it’s ok.
Because this thing called Human is hard….
as a high vibrational being.
And what you just moved through supernova soul - is pure magic!
You broke through the chains of mind control
You ruptured past the lack programming
You collapsed the karmic contacts
You freed yourself from inner enslavement
God bless you.
I love you.
You are not alone.
There are BILLIONS of beings holding the light within strong for the incoming dawn.
And together, with and through the support from here and beyond, heaven on earth will reign again in our hearts without a shadow of doubt.